Fish Hoek
Fish Hoek History in the Limelight
The history of fascinating Fish Hoek reads like a fantastic drama! The new Fish Hoek history exhibit at Valyland reveals the quaint historical timeline that makes this town so charming to tourists and locals alike.
It all began hundreds of years ago when the Portuguese first threw anchor in Cape Town. By the late 1700s, fishing was a central industry and people were travelling to the Southern Peninsula to fish, swim and live.
September is Heritage Month, a time to remember our national heritage in terms of culture, history, environment and more! What are you grateful for in South Africa?
Return of the the Gentle Giants
Southern Right Whales Return to Cape Town.
Every year in June the ocean is a buzz with activity. The Gentle Giants of the ocean return to our shores once again. These colossal creatures of the ocean have spent the summer feeding in the cold icy waters near the Antarctic and return to our shores every winter to mate.
Be Shark Smart
With summer approaching many people descend on beaches around South Africa. It is also the season for yellow tail runs in Cape Town. All the sudden increased activity in the water lures curious sharks closer to shore to see what all the fuss is about.
Your Summer Holiday Checklist
Get ready for your best holiday yet!
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